Obstruction of Justice is any conduct where the intention is to interfere with the fair administration of justice. This can be done by corruptly influencing, or by obstructing or by impeding any proceeding. It is committed when you influence anyone by a lie, or a misleading statement, or when you with hold or destroy information. Obstruction of Justice is a serious offence under the Criminal Code of Canada.
APRIL 15th, 2018: Todd Shean is the head of the RCMP in Alberta. Shean has evidence in his possession that past and present senior officers under his command have engaged in corrupt and criminal acts. Such acts that had they not been police officers they would have already been arrested and charged. The fact that they haven’t shows that the corruption leads right into the top echelons of the RCMP. more to follow..
MARCH 15th, 2018: The office of Alberta’s top Mountie Todd Shean have been contacted regarding the matters published, and the matters yet to be published, on this website and also www.drumhellerprison.ca and www.rottencops.net regarding the many criminal and corrupt acts committed by officers within his organization. More to follow.
MARCH 15th, 2018: Drumheller RCMP officers are now getting their female administrative staff to lie and cover up wrongdoings, and criminal and corrupt acts. I’ve just been informed by a female administrative clerk that when an RCMP officer does a criminal investigation and he deems it to be unsubstantiated, they do not generate a file number, they do not keep any of the materials generated by that investigation, tape recordings, signed statements, evidence collected etc, they just destroy them. This was relayed to me after she spoke with Cst Barry Allison of Drumheller RCMP.
Strathmore RCMP informed me, that when an RCMP officer begins a criminal investigation, a file number is automatically generated by the investigating officer. Then after the investigation is over, even if found to be unsubstantiated, the file and any evidence collected is kept for 2-4 years for a collision, 5-7 years for a criminal investigation, sometimes over 10 years. It would seem that Drumheller RCMP officers are a law unto themselves. Much more to follow.
March 5th, 2018: The contents of this and my other websites are now at the offices of the Federal Liberal Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale, the Federal Liberal Minister for Infrastructure and Communities Amarjeet Sohi, and the Federal Conservative(s) critic for Public Safety and Justice.
NOTE: There are none more culpable for allowing corrupt and criminal acts to go unpunished than the media. I’m talking about the crime and city reporters that gained knowledge and evidence of corruption and criminal acts and then decided to look the other way. Then you come to the editors and publishers, who block what they know from ever going to print. Thus allowing the guilty to remain free to carry on with their corrupt and criminal acts with impunity.